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Corporate social responsibility

Building better

As a company we have articulated what you can expect from engaging the ‘Amiri Way’ and set out our vision, mission and values by which we live.

As part of this engagement we have started to review the way we record, quantify and communicate the economic, social and environmental benefits that we bring to the communities that we serve.

One of our core strengths as a business is the positive legacy that we deliver and being a responsible company is key to this.

Our legacy will continue through:

  • Maintaining a strong balance sheet
  • Paying supply chain members on time using the Prompt Payment Code and Fair Work First Policies
  • Employing local supply chain companies to work with us on local projects.
  • Investing in employees, skills and well-being.
  • Reducing costs by finding and reducing waste, buying local and innovation in ways of working.
  • Meeting the expectations of our clients and end-users.

Our vision is to create exceptional environments for people to enjoy, now and long into the future. We remain customer-focussed - delighting our clients and those involved with our work is important to us. We make sure that everyone is engaged and that there is success for everyone – this is our legacy.

Our commitment to corporate social responsibility is integral to delivering our vision and strategy and is also part of the ‘Amiri Way’.

Our CSR pillars

Our CSR pillars focus on what matters to us, our clients, our supply chain and the communities within which we work. They are realistic and make sure that we drive continuous improvement into our business and out through our legacy so that we can support success for all.